This category invites Irish companies to showcase their cutting-edge 3D printing technologies, materials, and applications, recognising the leaders shaping the future of this transformative industry. The judges will look for Innovation, Quality, and Precision in the item entered.

Please note that none of the entries are displayed publicly and will be available for collection after judging.

All entries are judged in closed session where all judges are covered by an NDA to preserve the confidentiality where necessary.

How to Enter?

Judges will be looking for: – a 250-word summary on why the job merits an award with high-res jpeg images of the jobs, and the company logo – A Printer may enter as many different categories as they wish. Images of your submission and 2 physical copies to be sent to the address below or arrange an appointment for inspection by the judging panel. Irish Print Awards at Unit 55 Park West Road, Park West Industrial Estate, Dublin 12, D12 X9F9